About Paleo Diet

What is the 'Paleo Diet'?

The diet is based on the belief that human beings have not yet evolved with a tolerance to grains and dairy or namely the 'agrarian' lifestyle brought about by farming and producing our own food sources. Instead it focuses its attention on returning to our ancestral roots of the hunter gatherers by consuming only foods that our ancestors would have eaten like grass fed organic meat, wild game, vegetables and minimal fruit.
The diet itself is not restrictive as some would believe and has numerous varieties of foods that can be consumed liberally without fear of gaining weight or causing any aggravation to one's body.

What will the 'Paleo Diet' do?

Due to the connection between processed carbs and refined sugars with diabetes, weight gain and heart disease the 'paleo diet' claims to aid in weight loss, reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease and may help with autoimmune diseases. Only minor scientific studies have been carried out to prove the validity of the diet and many sceptics still remain. However a diet that encourages the consumption of healthy natural and unprocessed alternatives to our current lifestyle is well worth looking at particularly when over 60% of the worlds population are obese or overweight.

Day 4 ~ Staying Away from Potatoes

Well after my day yesterday I kind of feel like making some goodies! Maybe paleo apple and cinnamon muffins???
... But first brekky.

Before Breakfast

5ml Omega-3 fish oil
1 tsp slippery elm paste
1 cup of chamomile spearmint tea


T-bone steak with steamed veggies

a real paleo breakfast, steak and steamed veggies


Sweet potato mash with salad

sweet potato mash

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

paleo apple and cinnamon muffins
The apple and cinnamon muffins were a challenge and were very dry and crumbly... totally my fault since I adjusted the recipe slightly with very little experience baking with coconut flour and almond meal.
Now I realise that coconut flour seems to really suck up moisture so next batch I will use a lot less.

New Realisation

Haven't been much in the mood for posting today... I don't know why but it's just been one of those days where I feel a little off mentally although I'm still compelled to sit here and pour it all out, go figure! lol
Today for lunch I had sweet potato as you will have seen.
Afterwards I felt bloated and even experienced momentary sharp pains in my stomach for the first time in days. It made me think, 'what if I need to do more than just cut out all processed shit out of my diet?'
I referred back to some of my information about leaky gut and realised that at the same time as going paleo I may need to take immediate action to heal my intestines and stomach. After taking such a beating with drugs, alcohol and countless years eating nothing but take away for breakfast lunch and dinner (when I was young and silly) I've inevitably done some serious damage that needs to be repaired and quickly
The plan; still stick strictly to the paleo diet but modify it by only having foods that help repair the stomach, intestines and liver. Tomorrow I'll be taking a trip to my local health food store to get a herbal supplement that will aid the process but you will be seeing less starchy foods from me for at least 3-4 weeks. I will post a list of acceptable foods tomorrow and I'll be sure to dedicate a post solely to leaky gut.

If you suffer from symptoms like bloating after eating, indigestion, fluid retention, headaches, rashes, dry skin, nutrient deficiencies, stomach cramps and any of the other symptoms associated with leaky gut and bad food choices then I urge you, please please do something about it... take a stand because the time is now!! Honestly, don't wait until you are so far beyond repair with a serious illness.
I have realised that in our lives we are only conditioned to fear change because what lies ahead is uncertain and so we make so many excuses for why we can't change, 'it's not the right time' or 'I don't have the money' or 'I don't have the time' etc. We've all done it, but it doesn't have to be that way. How often have we heard others make statements about their life and thought 'that's so negative'... well I believe we are limited only by how we view our own situation. I wanted to be the one in my family to take change head on, and although I am still in the early days (I'm not exactly a healed person) but I am changing... my behaviour, my way of thinking, my way of eating and this is just the start... Why??? Because I chose it and made it happen!
First step is don't complain about something you can change and second... is change the things you complain about... a simple yet brilliant way to create change.

Tomorrow I will be starting a new eating plan within the paleo diet but only to aid in the repair of the gut. It is still strictly paleo. As far as I know it could take anywhere up to 7-8 weeks to experience noted improvements so stay tuned.


Hearty vegetable soup with thyme and coriander

hearty vegetable soup

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