If I get bored or feel like a sweet beverage I get a bit of carbonated spring water, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice and that is usually a nice change although you can be a bit more creative and add ginger or possibly even freshly juiced pear. Come up with your own flavours and see just how creative you can be! Herbal teas are great too just make sure they're organic.
Egg with beef mince sausages (parsely, cracked pepper and garlic flavour)
I have almost reached my quoter of eggs for the week which is limited at 6 per week.
I'm sure it would be wise to adhere to it but I am sure that if I went over by 1 egg occasionally it's not going to hurt all that much.
How am I feeling today?
Well it was a little easier getting into my skinny jeans this morning... :)) don't want to get my hopes up too early but I think my fluid retention has gone down again just that little bit more today. Cravings for processed carbs have started as I'd expected they would. Previously I was wheat free and dairy free but I heavily indulged in heaps of other processed carbs, kamut bread, rolled oats, muesli, gluten free crisps and snacks, rice milk, oat milk, rice and rice products, the list just goes on and on... I can see exactly why up until now I have been feeling like absolute crap. Processed/refined carbohydrates not only depleted my body of essential nutrients but made me complacent as well through convenience. There is no greater trap to ill health than eating for convenience or so I've learnt from this very experience. Honestly it takes commitment, courage and strength to truly eat for your health particularly when we are all bombarded with a media based interpretation of what is good for us but in saying that I believe it is possible to over ride all that influence with common sense and a desire to be healthy from the inside out, if I can do it anyone can! and that is exactly what I want to prove by doing the next 90 days without any processed rubbish.
*note I wasn't able to blog after this point yesterday but adhered 100% to the Paleo;
Late lunch was bbq chicken breast fillets with anchovies rolled in cos lettuce leaves. (I had two of them they were that good)!
Snack was a tin of premium Canadian sardines in olive oil, bones and all.
Skipped dinner but only because I felt really full after the late lunch. I don't recommend skipping meals unless you feel full and really don't feel like eating (listen to your body) but never starve yourself.
Evening beverage was some chamomile tea with spearmint. After 3 cups over 2 hours I was so dreamy I could have fallen asleep upright. That stuff is amazingly good before bed!! Try it if you have sleep problems!!
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