Ok... so in all honesty I have been so flat out and not to be downer or anything but one of my close mates passed away only a week ago so I haven't exactly been in a posting mood.
On the contrary though there isn't much to report anyway except for a steady decline in excess weight and A LOT LESS fluid retention... that really did deserve a capital bold because that's been one of my major complaints over the years and I have seen it improve heaps!
Well, I have still kept to the paleo diet and am still adamant that everyone should try it to experience the benefits... really!!
However I do get the feeling that I need to try some new cooking ideas???? just to keep it interesting enough for a 90 day blog (I don't exactly want to be repeating the same food day in day out on my blog... borrrrrring)!!
I admit I did try and make my own bacon throughout the week... ...FAIL...
...really need to work at that one or definitely try a new technique.. lol
Unfortunately it turned out really salty and was pretty inedible and just seemed more like thin pork on the pan rather than having that bacon-ie consistency. Maybe it's just all the crap they use to process the commercial stuff that gives it that consistency... ???
Lately I have also noticed that there are many people who have adopted cheese as an acceptable part of the paleo diet but I am still unsure about this following. I don't agree with the way a lot of our current foods are produced and still believe that cheese is another cause of many problems.
I myself seem to experience mild symptoms from cheese; like bloating and weight gain which says to me that it's a no no for my body for whatever reasons.
Despite this though, I am very keen to make my own cheese from raw organic ingredients which will preserve much of the nutritional value at the same time as being a much less processed option for my family.
I've slowly started to realise that making a lot of these things yourself i.e bacon, prosciutto, cheese even yogurt are just a matter of trial and error, often needing multiple attempts to get the desired result, but I'm definitely more than prepared to see it through until I master them all.
Tonight I am preparing another paleo lasagna which traditionally uses pasta sheets but of course pasta and anything made from grains or grain like seeds is not recommended on the paleo diet so instead I use eggplant to act as sheets separating the layers of mince sauce.
Preparing the eggplant:
Before using the eggplant it must be prepared and leached of it's bitterness. To do this you will need to slice the eggplant thinly length ways then apply salt liberally to the eggplant on a tray, laying the eggplant flat. Leave covered for 30 minutes - 1 hr.
You will notice that a liquid has formed on the eggplant, this is because the salt causes the eggplant to 'sweat' out the bitterness. You will notice a marked improvement in the taste of your eggplant lasagna after applying this technique. *Additional tip; make sure you clean off all salt thoroughly as it can make the lasagna really salty otherwise.
Paleo Mushroom and Eggplant Lasagna
2 cans of organic diced tomatoes
1kg mince (any type is fine, today I used pork)
1 large pre-prepared eggplant thinly sliced
Italian herbs
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
6-8 mushrooms
2 capsicums
1 large onion finely diced
Salt to taste
1 can of tomato paste
Preheat oven to 200 C.
First brown the pork mince in olive oil then add the onion. Cook thoroughly before adding the tomatoes and Italian herbs. Cook on low for about 10 minutes stirring continuously. Add the remaining ingredients still stirring. Add the tomato paste last and allow to simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Oil a casserole dish to stop the eggplant sticking, then do one layer of eggplant, then one layer of mince sauce and so on til you have no eggplant or sauce/mince left.
Top with your favourite herbs or parsley and serve with a splash of balsamic vinegar.
This is a simple recipe that can be changed according to what tastes you prefer so be as creative as you like.
Serves approx 5-6

Days 21-25
Mongolian beef inspired stir fry
Paleo Egg Pizza
Breakfast eggs with basil and sundried tomato
Breakfast eggs with garlic ghee mushrooms
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